england, europe, Thoughts

London: One Year Later

One year ago today, I was spending my last night in London and begrudgingly preparing to leave behind the most exciting and fulfilling two weeks of my life.

Today, I began my new internship at NBC Weekend TODAY which will hopefully cultivate an exciting and fulfilling semester.

Two years ago, I never thought I would have just finished frolicking around London with great friends. One year ago, I would never believe I would be making my way into an incredible pre-professional opportunity. Isn’t it crazy what time can do?

Here is the video that documents the travels of my dear trip to London in 2017.

Whitmanythought 1: Take me back to London, please.

Whitmanythought 2: I feel so under-qualified for this internship.

5 thoughts on “London: One Year Later”

  1. great that you had that opportunity to spend a couple of weeks in London and environs. Better yet that you had the drive to jump on the opportunity when it presented itself and to make the very most of the experience. Just another indicator of your admirable zest for life and all it has to offer!

    You’ll do very well with your internship, I am certain! Just be your diligent, kind, friendly and hard working self. ‘Can’t fail!!


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